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Put your budget on auto-pilot


It all starts with a conversation

Are any of these stories like yours?


You're living paycheck-to-paycheck and feel like you're
on a hamster wheel that you'll never get off of.

Your debt payments are too much of your income
and you don't know how to stop the bleeding.

Having to tell your kid that you can't afford college

keeps you up at night or causes a knot in your gut.

Money conversations with your spouse lead to
yelling, blame, resentment, slammed doors, and tears.

You've lost hope in ever retiring because your plan to
live on Social Security isn't going to pan out.


Often you hear of or see someone in need and you want to help but you're barely able to keep your own household afloat.

Being good with money has meant you're the go-to person

when friends & family need help and saying no is hard.


You know you need a legacy plan but you've put it off

because it's morbid to think about those things.


I feel you and I've got good news-

It doesn't have to stay that way.

I can help. 


A Complimentary Financial Coaching Session is
a time for us to get to know one another
and see if working with me as your coach
is the best way to start changing those scenarios. 

So let's hang out and get you from where you are now
to where you want to be.

Cup of Coffee

Hi, I'm Coach Sara

I'm so glad you're here


If you've ever thought to yourself,

"Hey, cool plan you've got there but... let me tweak it because reasons,"
you are my people.


Recipes, paints, food plans, IKEA furniture, you name it, I've gone "off script."


I've even done it with money (ask me about my first dog, Harley).

It took some hard lessons before my husband and I threw our hands up in the air,
having found ourselves in yet another tight money spot.
What we'd been doing obviously wasn't working.


We went through a money-mindset shift, devoted ourselves to ditching debt,
and saw lasting transformation take root.


Then a funny thing happened.

I'd share our story and how the Dave Ramsey Baby Steps changed our path
and I'd see a spark of hope in people's eyes, like maybe they could do it, too.


That ignited something inside of me.


The ember grew to full blown furry that I describe as a 
when a friend told me about the Ramsey Solutions Financial Coach Master Training.


As a Financial Coach, I've learned from top-notch financial gurus who not only provide sound teachings but who walk-the-walk and have been for decades. I love doing this work because helping people tap into their grit and decide that their future doesn't have to look the way it does today is one of the greatest honors of my life.


It also comes with the confidence that



Read it again.


So if you'd like to spend time with me over coffee... which may or may not be my fourth cup of the day... let's hang out and see if You+Financial Coach Sara could be your game changer.


Got questions?

Here are the Big Three

What is coaching?

The simple answer is that it's a tool to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. It's space for you to refine your vision, commit to a path, and act. You'll need grit and a "Hell, yes" attitude, though, so it's not for everyone.

What does coaching cost?

Time and comfort are two of the things you pay for stretching yourself in coaching. Your first introductory session is complimentary. Fees for ongoing coaching are determined from there and are a monthly investment based on the customized offering that fits in your life.

How will I know that we're a good fit?

We'll have a good idea if coaching with me is a smart path to take by the end of our first talk, and if we're unclear we can schedule another chat to make sure before deciding. I can also recommend you to a trusted coach in my network if that's what's best for you. Win, win, right?

If you've got more questions (and I'm sure you do), let's plan some time together to go over them.

If you want to go fast,
go alone.


If you want to go far,
go together.


-African Proverb

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